Lexington SC Community News Update January 3, 2014
Learning and Living in 2014 -
Having ushered in the New Year, 2014, with collards and black eyed peas for prosperity, and a list of New Year's resolutions, we are set with new goals for success in the future. Have we indulged in too many rich foods over the holidays? We might feel guilty from overeating when stepping on the bathroom scales. While turning the calendar over to January, we can start an exercise program that is probably tops on our list of resolutions. While many local churches offer exercise classes, there is also the Lexington Leisure Center, 108 Park Road, Lexington, which offers many programs and opportunities for our well-being. They have an open gym with walking hours Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to noon, or 7-9 when school is not in session. A Wellness Center with machines and weights is available with membership. Classes in aerobics, belly dance, Jazzercise, tai chi and Zumba are offered along with dance classes in line dancing, shag and square dancing. Call them at 803-957-7828 to reserve a class, or for information.
Adventures in Learning 2014 -
Another resolution might be to meet new and interesting people, explore new skills, and develop new interests. There is an opportunity for this at The Shepherd's Center of Lexington, where they are offering Adventures in Learning 2014. Their winter classes include American Civil War, an arthritis exercise program, a United Kingdom class (England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland), Computers for Beginners, Spanish, Basic Line Dancing, Bridge, Crochet a De-clutter Your Home class, Tai Chi, Heart Health and more! You may also volunteer to help with this organization. To help or to learn more, sign up now by contacting Kay Mitchell at 803-359-6838, ext 110 or email classes@sclex.org. They would love to hear from you!
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